1. Church of Peniel For All Nations takes its name from this Bible passage: “So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, 'It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.” (Genesis 32:30).
2. Church of Peniel for All Nations is a Kentucky 501(c)(3) non-profit religious corporation with its principal offices in Louisville, Kentucky. The Articles of Incorporation are on file with the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Kentucky.
1. Church of Peniel is self-governing, free from any external authority or control, with the right of self-government independent from any hierarchy of individuals or organizations1.
2. Church of Peniel is responsible for its own doctrinal purity and practice, discipline of members, appointing of officers, ordaining men into the Gospel ministry, and determining the extent and method of inter-church cooperation.2
3. Church of Peniel is a local manifestation of the universal Church of Jesus Christ.
4. Church of Peniel submits to the laws of the state of Kentucky and of the United States of America insofar as those laws do not require disobedience to biblical principle3.
1. Titus 1:5
2. Matthew 18:15-17; Acts 6:3-5; 13:3; 15:1-30; 1 Corinthians 5:4-5; 1 Corinthians 5:12-6:5; 2 Corinthians 2:6.
2 Thessalonians 3:6; 2 Timothy 2:2
3. Acts 4:19-20; 5:29; Romans 13:1-7; Titus 3:1; 1 Peter 2:11-20
Church of Peniel exists to know God, to glorify God, and to make disciples of all the nations. We worship Him in our attitude and lifestyles; we imitate His character in our daily lives; we edify the Body of Christ by faithfully teaching His Word to equip believers for ministry; we promote unity in the Body through regular fellowship; and we evangelize by faithfully sharing the Gospel.
Article 5 – Membership Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item Linka) The candidate must be born again and give satisfactory evidence of this to the board of elders.
b) The candidate must be at least 18 years of age.
c) The candidate must have been baptized by immersion since being born again.
d) The candidate must adhere to the Statement of Faith and support the policies and spirit of the Church of Peniel as set forth in this document.
e) The candidate must support the ministry of the pastor(s) and elders.
f) The candidate must relinquish prior church membership, and all memberships in lodges, secret societies, and religious organizations that are not in full agreement with the Statement of Faith.
a) A person desirous of becoming a member shall contact one of the elders.
b) The elders shall interview the candidate.
c) The board of elders shall approve or disapprove the candidate based on the requirements in Section 1.
d) If approved, the candidate’s name shall be announced from the pulpit, and the congregation encouraged to get to know the candidate. If anyone in the congregation is aware of any issue that would prohibit the candidate’s admission to membership, he or she should contact one of the elders privately.
e) The candidate shall be accepted for membership and be presented before the church to receive “the right hand of fellowship”66. If a valid issue is discovered that prevents membership, the board of elders shall withdraw the candidate’s name until the matter is resolved.
66. Galatians 2:9
Each member is expected to support the services and activities of the Church of Peniel, and to maintain a testimony that will support the convictions, attitudes, policies, and spirit of the church by prayer, giving, and service. Each member is expected to attend church business meetings. Each member is expected to submit to the authority of the leadership that God has established over the church67. Each member is expected not to teach or promote anything contrary to what Church of Peniel teaches as defined in the document, “What We Teach”.
67. Hebrews 13:1
a) A person shall be dismissed from membership at the member’s written request or if the member is deceased.
b) The board of elders shall review the church membership at least annually to determine if any members are not fulfilling their membership duties. That would include, infrequent attendance at services, obvious regular attendance at another church, and unsupportive actions or attitudes. The elders shall contact these members and encourage them to renew their interest and participation. Such members who do not show renewed interest may be dismissed from membership by a vote of the board of elders and given proper notification.
c) All persons dismissed from membership and the reason for dismissal shall be announced to the congregation. Dismissed members may not appeal to the membership or any court of law regarding their dismissal or the public statement concerning their dismissal.
d) Re-admission to membership is according to the procedure for becoming a member (Article 5, Section 2).
We do not believe that any church organization should hinder Christ from using the members of His Body among us for His glory. We believe that all Christians should be exercising their spiritual gifts in the local church for the building up of the Body of Christ, and for the advancement of His kingdom68. Therefore, we permit non-members to serve in non-official capacities as long as they satisfy the following criteria:
1. Exhibit clear evidence of salvation.
2. Submission to this Constitution and By-Laws.
3. Support the ministry of the pastor(s) and elders.
4. Interview and approval by those who oversee the ministry.
5. Not teaching or promoting anything contrary to what Church of Peniel teaches.
6. Non-members may not hold any official office, however, since holding office requires membership in accordance with state laws. Each non- member who voluntarily attends this church, whether serving or not, is expected to submit to the authority of the leadership that God has established over the church69.
68. Ephesians 4:11-12
69. Hebrews 13:1
1. The matter of discipline shall be the responsibility of the board of elders. Both members and non-members who regularly attend Church of Peniel are subject to discipline.
2. The purpose of discipline is to restore an errant believer and to preserve the testimony and fellowship of the church.
3. Examples of reasons for church discipline are:
a. Causing or supporting schism in the church by advocating doctrinal, moral, or philosophical beliefs contrary to the Scripture.
b. Persisting in a course of personal conduct that is contrary to the Scripture.
c. Slander, gossip, an accusatory spirit, abusiveness, or refusal to submit to the board of elders.
d. If discipline is warranted, the church shall follow the disciplinary principles as prescribed in Matthew 18:15-20, 1 Corinthians 5, Galatians 6:1-2 and 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15. Those who refuse to repent shall be placed on church discipline by a vote of the board of elders, and the church shall be notified of this action.
e. Those on church discipline will be prohibited from partaking in communion, from a voice in church meetings, and from giving a public testimony until and unless they repent.
f. Any member who has been placed on church discipline may not request termination of membership. If they refuse to repent, they shall be removed from church membership by a vote of the board of elders.
g. Any accusation of sin against an elder shall be presented in person by two or more witnesses to the board of elders70.
h. Any officer (Article 8) whose actions are worthy of discipline may be removed from office by a three fourths vote of a quorum (Article 7, Section 1, Item 6) if the board of elders does not take proper disciplinary action. Officers being voted on for such disciplinary action and their spouses may not vote. Such dismissal of an officer does not have to be ratified by the board of elders after congregational action.
i. Any person who is disciplined may not appeal to the membership or any court of law regarding their discipline or the public statement concerning their discipline.
70. 1 Timothy 5:19
Article 7– Government Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item Link1. Business meetings are the privilege and responsibility of the members of Church of Peniel. Anyone may attend the business meetings of this church but only church members may participate and vote.
2. The secretary shall notify the entire membership of every church business meeting at least 15 days before the meeting. This notice shall be read to the congregation at least one Sunday before the meeting.
3. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary guide for all business meetings of the church unless this Constitution and Bylaws specifically defines another procedure.
4. The annual meeting of this church shall be held within two months of the close of the fiscal year on a date determined by the board of elders. The purpose of the annual meeting is to approve officers and transact any other business connected with the corporate affairs of the church. The church books shall be audited annually, and a report submitted.
5. Special church business meetings may be called by a pastor, the board of elders, or at the request of the membership by a petition signed by at least half the membership without the usually required 15-day notice. A quorum at such meetings, however, will require two-thirds of the active membership. Conducting a special church business meeting must be approved by a vote of three-fourths of the members present as the first item of business at the meeting.
6. Quorum
a) For any business meeting to proceed there must be a quorum present. One-half of the active church members must be present to constitute a quorum. A majority vote is required to pass a motion.
b) In the following cases, two-thirds of the active church membership must be present for the meeting to proceed, and a three-fourths vote is required to pass a motion for:
Calling or releasing a pastor
Changing affiliation
Consolidation with another ministry
Dissolving the corporation
Purchase or sale of real estate
Approval of mortgages
Amendments of this Constitution and By-Laws.
The discipline of an officer (Article 8)
Removal of the place of worship
Special church meetings
7. In cases where a member cannot attend a church meeting but wishes to express his/her vote at the meeting, a means will be provided for him/her to cast his vote.
1. According to New Testament principles, officers of Church of Peniel will be appointed, not elected71. They will be appointed by the board of elders and then voted on by the church. The purpose of the church vote is to glean the collective wisdom God has given to the assembly. Leaders are not infallible, and a unified membership is a good indication of God’s leading. The vote of any member is an important responsibility and an opportunity to express the wisdom and discernment God has given to him for the benefit of the Body in general72.
2. In the case of unexpected vacancies, the board of elders may appoint a replacement until the next annual meeting, at which time the appointee must be approved by a church vote. All expired terms are subject to re-approval at the annual meeting.
3. No nominations shall be made from the membership during church business meetings.
4. The board of elders shall act as a nomination committee and shall consider all recommendations for officers submitted by church members. They shall post the names of nominees 15 days prior to the church business meeting at which the membership shall vote to approve or disapprove each nominee. All officers (Article 8) shall be members in good standing. Non-members may serve on committees or in other capacities as long as they are approved by the board of elders (Article V, Section 6).
5. The terms of office are as follows:
a) Elders ----------------------------indefinite
b) Pastors ---------------------------indefinite
c) Moderator -----------------------annually
d) Vice-Moderator -----------------annually
e) Deacons -------------------------3 years
f) Deaconesses ---------------------3 years
71. Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5
72. 1 Corinthians 12:18-27
Article 8 – Officers Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item Link1. The board of elders is the ruling body of this church73. Preferably, and biblically, there should be a plurality of elders. The number of elders shall be limited only by the number of qualified men who desire the office74. Elders shall be active members of the church and meet the qualifications stated in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. Elders are automatically members of all committees and boards with the power to attend and vote at their discretion.
2. An elder shall be released from his office upon receipt of his written resignation or upon the vote of the board of elders. Any accusation of sin against an elder shall be presented in person by two or more witnesses to the board of elders75.
3. A pastor shall be chairman of the board of elders. If there are multiple pastors, the board of elders shall, by vote, determine the chairman. If the chairman is absent another pastor will serve as chairman. If all pastors are absent an elder chosen by the board will serve as chairman.
4. The secretary of the board of elders shall also serve as secretary of the church.
5. The responsibilities of the board of elders include:
a. Promoting the spiritual life of the church and being examples to the congregation in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity.
b. Teaching, shepherding and caring for the congregation76.
c. Approving all doctrine taught within this church.
d. Ratifying all business transacted by a church meeting.
e. Receiving and evaluating written reports from each board and committee within the church and making whatever recommendations they deem necessary.
f. Approving all gifts to the church, reserving the right to reject any they judge not conducive to a consistent scriptural testimony of the church.
g. Administering the church ordinances.
h. Reviewing the church membership roll at least annually.
i. Recommending church officers for appointment to the annual meeting.
j. Overseeing the selection of pastoral candidates.
1. Having discretionary charge over the Fellowship Fund - funds that are collected for the benefit of the needy, especially those in the congregation - and giving an account for it at the annual meeting.
2. Arranging for the duties of the pastors when they are absent or ill.
3. Carrying out discipline whenever necessary in accord with Article 6.
4. Ensuring that a written report describing the status of Church of Peniel is submitted to the membership at the annual church meeting.
5. Ensuring that all financial records are audited annually and that a written financial report is submitted to the membership at the annual church meeting.
6. Acting in the capacity of trustees, the board of elders shall have custody of and administer the property of the church both real and personal, now and hereafter conveyed, donated, assigned, devised, or bequeathed to the church corporation. By their vote they may designate, appoint, authorize, and empower the church secretary, church treasurer, one of the members of the board or any member of the church for, on behalf of, or in the name of the church to make, execute, seal with the corporate seal, acknowledge, and deliver in deed or other instrument necessary or required to buy, sell, mortgage, or transfer and convey title to such property, real or personal. Such board shall not have power or authority to remove the place of worship to any other place whatsoever. Removal of the place of worship shall require a vote of two thirds of the members of the corporation and ratification by the board of elders. Further restrictions are stated in Article 2 wherein a three fourths vote of the church membership is required.
7. Ensuring that the church is properly represented in all legal matters.
8. Deciding upon the usage of the church buildings and properties and ensuring that they are maintained.
9. Ensuring that adequate insurance is provided for church properties and personnel.
10. Overseeing all finances, budgets, and ensuring that accurate records are kept.
74. 1 Timothy 3:1, Titus 1:5
75. 1 Timothy 5:19
Pastors are leaders among the church leadership77. They are fulltime elders who are supported by the church and are members of the church staff. If there are multiple pastors in this church, one shall be designated the Senior Pastor and the others as Assistant Pastors. As elders, pastors must fulfill all the requirements and responsibilities of elders.
77. Ephesians 4:11-12
a. In the event of a vacancy in a pastor’s office, the board of elders shall seek out and recommend pastoral candidates to the congregation. One candidate shall be considered at a time. After substantial consideration and prayer, the congregation shall vote using written ballots.
b. A pastor shall be released from his office upon receipt of his written resignation or by vote of the membership upon recommendation from the board of elders because it has been determined that he has disqualified himself from the office78. Any accusation of sin against a pastor shall be presented in person by two or more witnesses to the board of elders79.
78. 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9
1. Senior Pastor - The Senior Pastor shall be the leader among the pastors and elders of this church. He shall, first and foremost, be responsible for preaching and teaching the Word of God80. He shall, in cooperation with the board of elders, shepherd the congregation, pray for the congregation, maintain spiritual and administrative oversight over the church, lead the church in all its activities, and direct the spiritual pace and programs of the church. He shall issue any certificates deemed necessary.
2. Assistant Pastors - The pastors, in agreement with the board of elders, shall determine the duties of an assistant pastor.
Section 3. Moderator & Vice-Moderator Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item LinkThe Scripture shows us that deacons and deaconesses are not rulers but servant leaders working within the church to assist the elders in the ministry81. Therefore, those who serve in this office will serve under the oversight of an elder in their appropriate segment of ministry. Their qualifications are given in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. The board of elders is responsible for creating offices to be filled by deacons and deaconesses as the need arises.
81. Acts 6:1-6
Administrators have oversight over a given segment of the ministry of Church of Peniel. The board of elders is responsible for creating, filling and terminating administrative positions, and the appointment and release of Administrators to fill these positions. Some examples are, but are not limited to, Business Administrator, School Administrator and Mission Administrator. Administrators must be members of Church of Peniel. They may be paid or unpaid members of the staff. Administrators shall be approved by a vote of the membership (normal quorum) before assuming their responsibilities. Administrators are under the authority and supervision of the Senior Pastor and the board of elders.
Article 10 – Committees & Organizations Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item LinkArticle 11 – Support of Other Christian Ministries Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item Link4. In the case of schism within the congregation, all property shall go to that group which adheres to the Statement of Faith (Article 4). In the case of schism where differing groups adhere to the Statement of Faith (Article 4), all property shall go to that group which is not proposing any change to the ministry, unless such change is affirmed by a three-fourths vote at a church business meeting where two-thirds of the active church membership is present.
This document may be amended at any business meeting provided that the membership is notified of the change at least 15 days prior to the meeting.